The New CC Sips “Drinking” Game
This is too, too good.
If you’re looking to spice up your post-work happy hour or spend time with friends that are just a little too attached to their iPhones, this game is for you.
Enter The Phone Stack (thanks The premise is simple: everyone at the table places their phone in a stack in the center of the table. Then you wait. As the stack buzzes, vibrates and blinks, no one touches the phones. Tensions build, and the first person to give in to temptation and dive for their phone buys dinner/drinks/whatever for the whole group.
(A few exceptions are allowed in cases of childbirth, aging relatives and the 36 hours after a first date, according to Kempt.)
Which of your crew would be the first to crack?
Can you tell we work in a creative industry? #appleproductlove