October 24, 2019
Article by neffknows_admin

Design Validation for Customer Experiences

Experience Matters

As businesses strive for innovative solutions in an evolving marketplace, it becomes increasingly important to provide the best customer experience (CX). It’s about how the audience experiences your brand. This is often different from internal assumptions. Effective CX takes place at every step of the way. This process will provide design validation for customer experiences.


User experience (UX) design is commonly misunderstood. Some people believe it is only involved in websites and apps. Others think it means wireframes. Wireframes are simply a tool for UX Designers to show the interactive content structure. Of course, a UX process should be part of any interactive project. However, user experience design is more than this.

How do we know that our solution is right for you?

Yes, your creative team went to school, and have plenty of prior experience, but every situation is unique. There are plenty of traditional marketing techniques, which we can combine with new ideas. The trick to finding the right approach often lies in testing the user experience. This is done with consumer research. Digital products benefit from user testing. However, these techniques can be just as useful for traditional marketing strategies. We use a human-centered design approach. This frame our thinking to achieve valuable results.

An Objective Approach

Your campaign or product has to look and feel good. However, it takes more than this to verify a design will be successful. Our design process begins with defining measurable goals for each project. First, we gather research. This informs a strategic project plan. After that, we are able to tailor creative services to the unique details of your project.

Design Thinking Process, design validation for customer experience, validation process, brand strategy, integrated strategy

Validation Strategies

There are a variety research methods for validation. These can be used to measure success at many points. These include moderated and unmoderated user tests. A/B testing can be used to compare two potential solutions. Also, we use surveys and focus groups.

Who Can Benefit?

Businesses across many industries can use these approaches for integrated marketing campaigns and experiences. For example, we can compare two billboard designs. An A/B test can compare leads generated from each ad. Websites can also benefit from user tests. These tests could verify that users were able to efficiently locate certain information. Strong designs help business and consumers. Design validation for customer experiences can drive profits and create more useful products.