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One of the many things that make daily life so exciting at our ad agency in Philadelphia is our ability to work with companies who are as enthusiastic about what they do as we are about marketing. When our experts conduct a brand review and speak with people that have an evident commitment to excellence, it inspires us. Delivering results is not just our job, it’s our passion. There’s no greater success than helping our clients share their story. One great example of a brand we have the pleasure of working with that exemplifies an incredible passion for quality and excellence is Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant. 

Long before our ad agency in Philadelphia met with Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, they opened their first location in Newark, Delaware in 1996. While many who reside near our ad agency in Philadelphia have come to know of the Iron Hill brand name, the company reached out to us with their sights set on launching a Perimeter Georgia location. Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant turned to Neff to help generate buzz in local communities, so the restaurant would be packed by the time opening night arrived.

Our experts conducted a thorough brand review of Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant to understand the story behind the brand and just how dedicated the lovers of craft beer and quality food are to their craft. To take full advantage of what makes Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant unique from their competitors, we updated brand messaging, photographed their beer and food for both digital and billboard advertising, and highlighted all of the qualities we learned about during our brand review.

IronHill Brewery Restaurant Buckhead

In anticipation of the grand opening of the Perimeter Georgia location, Neff worked with the Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant team to refresh their advertising and launch a VIP Media & Influencer Preview Event. All of these efforts successfully built excitement to ensure that the location would not only have a strong turnout on opening night, but that they would also enjoy the same success that the brand has now grown accustomed to in the greater Philadelphia region. Through PR outreach and strategic influencer partnerships, our experts brought more than one million social media impressions to Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant. We knew that once we got people in the door, the incredible food and beverages would do the rest.

The example of Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant is only one of many. Some brands need to be launched, some need to be revitalized, and some simply need to be expanded. In learning about Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, our team took advantage of the history the brand had accumulated over the past 25 years. No two brands are the same, and we believe that to fit any brand into a cookie-cutter system of marketing is a disservice to the efforts being put in by every professional who works for that company. Any path taken to achieve an excellent marketing campaign starts with a conversation, then evolves based on what makes that company or service unique.

If you have a story to tell and are passionate about the service or product you provide, we want to hear from you. Visit our Contact Us page today to get in touch with our experts.

Businesses have a lot of expenses to maintain necessary operations and ensure that they are continuously working towards success. PR is one such expense that is indispensable for any successful organization, and it helps for those who have not evaluated their need for such services to explore the important role the best PR firms can play in their business’s key processes.

Increases Profits, Sales, and Lead Quality

A huge benefit of utilizing PR for your business is that it can be extremely effective for marketing, which can have a positive impact on profit margins, sales, and producing quality leads. When companies leverage PR, they can enhance their reputation by providing customers and prospects with options to connect with the company. This is because quality PR resonates with target customers and shows them the value of the goods or services that your company provides.

The reach that PR provides ensures that your business can help new potential customers find their way to you. Higher visibility and credibility through third-party PR through innovative methods inspires brand loyalty and positive word of mouth. When coupled with quality marketing, businesses can expand the scope of their businesses to grow their audience and money making potential.

Improves Crisis Management

Crisis management is important for any business, as a PR problem can quickly jeopardize your company’s good reputation. Great PR plans don’t just cover positive news coverage — they have watertight protections in place for when disaster strikes as well.

Issues such as defective products, lawsuits, employee-related scandals, and more can be effectively managed with PR to protect perception of your business and prevent negative word-of-mouth from circulating. Sensitive situations that can threaten your business need to be addressed quickly, efficiently, and with great care. With PR, your business can rest assured that their crisis management strategies will help them weather the storm.

Provides Credibility and Brand Awareness

best pr firms

Any business owner can speak to how crucial it is to differentiate oneself from the competition. Well implemented PR strategies can be highly efficient tools for letting customers know that your business exists. The stories that PR allows organizations and individuals to tell positively contributes to visibility and create awareness and credibility for your brand. In any industry, the success of a business can be determined by how much trust consumers have for their reputation, services, and quality.

A reason why PR effectively helps provide brand awareness and credibility is because it can build a favorable impression. We want to be able to connect with the businesses that we frequently support, and these meaningful connections play a vital role in developing large, happy client bases.

Boosts Online Presence

Businesses need a great online presence to maximize their impact, attract potential customers, and give existing customers the ability to connect with the brand. Effective PR can boost your company’s online presence through a variety of methods such as content development, website features, press releases, and more to heighten visibility. Good PR is an excellent tool to strengthen your business’s SEO and increase the number of people who can view and connect with your brand’s messaging.

In a digital landscape where most customers are using online platforms, PR can boost website traffic and build an audience through linking from high authority sites. What’s more is that the best PR firms know the best methods to optimize your online presence by identifying the best channels and key individuals to spread your company’s message while maximizing reach.

Promotes Customer Service and Community Engagement

PR is commonly leveraged to create two-way dialogue between brands and their audiences. This is excellent for helping businesses address factors such as customer feedback, challenges, realize opportunities, etc. For example, PR is often used to spread news of new brand innovations, empowering businesses to monitor feedback and make any necessary changes.

If you are interested in showing a commitment to quality customer service processes, PR can prove to your audience that you are invested in fostering and maintaining connections. Naturally, this can have a profound impact on how your business and its processes are perceived by your best customers. We want to support companies interested in serving their customers to the best of their ability.

PR Can Help Grow and Maintain Your Business

The importance of great PR for any business simply cannot be overstated. The best PR firms are aware of the many moving parts of your business and can help you take all of the steps necessary to grow and maintain your community. Don’t wait until it is too late. Evaluate your need for PR and connect with a quality PR provider to cover any of the existing gaps in your current strategy.

The recent surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant has many businesses worried about how developments may impact their ability to operate successfully. Naturally as some consumers begin to reevaluate their habits or venture out less, it is crucial that businesses large and small continue to find innovative ways to connect with their client bases.

Strategic advertisement investments have been one clear way businesses have been able to set themselves apart throughout the pandemic. And- while the ebb and flow of cases continue to impact various companies- it is vital that they do anything they can to bring in new business and keep their existing base. Here, Neff- a top ad agency in Philadelphia– explores a few ways that companies can improve advertising efforts during this time.

Tailor Your Messaging

One of the simplest ways that companies can work to improve their advertising efforts during the most recent phase of the pandemic is to tailor their messaging for consumers. Luckily, much of what we have learned from the past year and change can be used this time around as well. For example, many companies are already releasing advertisements that point to what they are doing to keep customers and their staff safe or how, how they are doing their part to uphold corporate social responsibility (CSR) or value the support of their client base. Try to remember when tailoring messaging that people have heard many of the same stock phrases many times through other companies’ messaging- try to do your best to make yours thoughtful and original.

Reevaluate Your Advertising Budget

Advertising budgets play an important role in a company’s ability to craft high-quality ads or access assistance from agencies that specialize in the field. With this in mind, businesses may want to reevaluate their budget if they are still feeling the effects of the pandemic. A common misconception is that an effective advertising campaign will always break the bank. Top ad agencies recognize that not every business is working with the same budget and can come up with innovative campaign strategies that will stretch their dollars. Effective campaigns utilize ads that play to a company’s strengths and double down on them rather than force in strategies with low ROI for their industry.

Consider Optimizing for Mobile

For years, digital marketing has been a large part of strategies to attract new business. The pandemic has even further influenced this trend as people of all ages have been using their phones to check out new products and services as well as purchase them through e-commerce. This means that companies should continue to look at investment in optimizing for mobile as a way to expand the visibility of their advertisements. Making sure that the pages that advertising directs to are in working order is also a great step for streamlining. After all, businesses using digital strategy will need websites that function as well as possible. A huge benefit to optimizing a mobile ad strategy is that mobile ads can be quickly created and edited, and a top ad agency in Philadelphia can further streamline them to be more attractive to potential customers.

According to UpCity, Neff is one of the highest rated advertising agencies in Philadelphia. Clients have written that Neff is professional, efficient, and “an absolute pleasure” to work with. This is not the first time Neff has been recognized in the B2B space. Clutch named Neff as a Top Pennsylvania B2B Company and has featured the agency on lists for top branding agencies, top digital marketing agencies, top web design companies, and more.

“Neff has been a tremendous help in helping us launch our new company. They’ve provided multiple streams of media for us which has resulted in a wide reach of new consumers.”

Derek Gibbons, Glu Hospitality

UpCity is a B2B platform with trustworthy reviews of different providers. The website allows businesses to find reliable providers in their area who they can contact for partnership. The services covered are diverse in scope, spanning from Accounting to Software Development. UpCity’s reviews are comprehensive and transparent. Real clients use their full names, so you can trust that what you’re reading is real.

Neff has been a partner in helping 21CCCS increase our enrollment by double digits each year. Always responsive, always prepared, always good advice. One of the best business decisions we have made.

Kim McCully, 21st Century Cyber Charter School

Each review includes a brief description of the overall experience as well as ratings for communication, knowledge, working relationship, value of service, and budget. UpCity’s measuring system is data driven and proven to be accurate. Neff has an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars and we’re consistently given 10 out of 10 in all categories.

Not only does UpCity provide reliable reviews, but you can also find out more information about the service providers. Extensive profiles review details about each company including their size, service area, supported platforms, and unique selling proposition. At Neff, for example, we are known for our integrated approach.

“The Neff team has been our agency of record for the last several years. We’ve been consistently pleased with the services they offer and the quality of their work — from advertising to branch merchandising, social media and public relations. They’ve supported us on a broad range of marketing campaigns and initiatives and have delivered both strategic insight and strong execution. We appreciate the creativity and responsiveness of all their people.”

Jon McGrain, DNB First

Real ratings from real clients are the best kind of endorsement you can get. Head to UpCity’s website to see more details on our UpCity profile and discover other trusted service providers in your area.

We are thrilled to be in the company of esteemed agencies across the globe for the second year in a row, coming in number 463 on Clutch’s Global 1000 list. In order to determine which companies are included in the Clutch 1000, Clutch analyzes each company across four criteria:

clutch global 1000 badge

We are also excited to announce that Clutch has named Neff a member of the Clutch 100 for Sustained Growth and Fastest Growth! The top 100 sustained-growth companies are ranked based on their absolute revenue growth rate from 2016 to 2019 and the top 100 fastest-growth companies are ranked based on their absolute revenue growth rate from 2018 to 2019.

clutch top 100 fastest growth and sustained growth badges

Clutch is a market research firm based in the heart of Washington, DC that features leading companies in the B2B space. Their team interviews the past customers of these companies and formats their comments into verified reviews. This direct feedback ensures that all of their ratings, rankings, and awards are fair and accurate. 

“The Clutch 100 growth lists represent the top service providers based on revenue growth over the years,” said Clutch Founder Mike Beares. “Their recognition is only possible because of their willingness to participate and their commitment to delivering the best services to their clients.”

There are several key considerations to choosing the right agency, including services provided and a strong portfolio of happy clients. Neff provides an integrated marketing approach, including branding, public relations, social media, web design and development, advertising, media buying, photography and videography. We deliver successful strategies to tell your story and expand your reach. Why trust us? Clutch lends credibility to businesses by showcasing real reviews left by real clients.

We are thankful for each and every one of our amazing clients, especially those who took the time to leave us a review on Clutch and make this recognition possible! Hear what they had to say about working with us.

“They’re extremely creative and work well at taking your brand and making it look that much better. They’re extremely patient and give multiple options for creative rather than just 1 and done. It honestly felt like working with friends more than a vendor and I think that’s extremely important.”

Co-Founder, Innovation Festival

These awards and our perfect 5-star rating on Clutch are all thanks to you, our wonderful clients and partners!

Our team here at Neff woke up to a thrilling announcement this morning! Neff listed as “Top Marketing Agency” by! Most successful businesses have opted for investment in B2B providers in recent years. To stay at the top of your industry, it is essential that you pick the best one. Clutch ranking us amongst 2020’s top marketing agencies made our day!

“Neff has been in B2B marketing for over 30 years and has always strived to deliver compelling results for our clients. It is an honor to have our hard work recognized nationally by such an excellent organization like Clutch.”

Clutch’s office is a few steps away from the Washington Monument in the District of Columbia. In its offices, a team of analysts take the time to independently verify each and every review they conduct from clients around the globe. The clients with the highest ratings are included in their B2B guide of top providers. When you’re looking to hire your next B2B service provider, is the premier ratings and review site.

Clutch’s reputation makes us thrilled that we have an outstanding rating on their site. We are highlighted by The Manifest, their sister site, as a leader!

With our other perfect satisfied reviews, the B2B resource platform ranked us as one of the world’s best marketing agencies for 2020! We’re incredibly honored.

In a recent review, the co-founder of B. PHL Innovation Fest praised our social media marketing work!

Neff listed as top marketing agency by Clutch

Thanks to our many satisfied customers for allowing Clutch to recognize us, if you want to join their ranks, reach out today!

Remember going into the office? Neither do we. But working together is a big part of what we do at Neff. As an integrated marketing agency, our Creative, PR, Social Media, and Media Strategy teams are constantly collaborating on different projects. Now that we’re all working from home, we’ve had to figure out how to stay connected and keep collaborating to do the best work we can for our clients. These are some of the ways that we keep the collaboration going as a remote team.

Slack project management for remote teams

Keep in Contact

Back at the office, we could just walk over to each others’ desks to share work or get updates. Fortunately, there are a lot of online collaboration tools available to do this digitally.

The main way we keep in touch as a remote team is with Slack, which is basically a virtual office space. Setting up different channels for different projects allows us to keep feedback and communication organized. Many workplaces utilize this tool even when not working remotely.

Though we can’t convene in the conference room right now, Zoom allows us to set up video conferences for the next best thing to in-person meetings. The screen sharing feature allows everyone to share what they’re working on and look at things together. You can even mark things up on screen to share edits in real time.

Remote Team Organization

As a remote team, it’s important to stay organized to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks. Without face-to-face interaction, it’s crucial to keep tabs on that status of each project and everyone’s responsibilities.

We use Function Fox for time management and Monday for project management. There are numerous other project management tools available for marketing agencies such as Basecamp, Trello and Asana. Consider what kind of flexibility and customization works best for your team to figure out what tools are right for you.

Setting up a zoom meeting

Check In Regularly

Sticking to a schedule will keep everyone on track and help things feel normal. Maintaining regular check-ins just like you would at the office will help your remote team to stay organized.

Every morning our team has a quick check-in call to touch base on our to-do list for the day. We also set up regular check-ins throughout the day as needed to keep different projects moving and make sure we’re all on the same page. Checking-in also helps to keep up the collaborative spirit and prevent everyone from feeling isolated.

Along with smaller team meetings, we also have regular agency-wide check-ins so we’re up to speed on what the other departments are doing and how we can support each other.

Stay Social

While we miss our team outings and happy hours, we can still make time to socialize. In addition to using Zoom for meetings, it’s also a great way to set up a virtual happy hour. Have everyone grab a drink of their choice and turn on gallery view so it feels (sort of) like the team is in the same room.

Even though you’re not together in person, company culture is still crucial to who you are. Find ways to infuse your personality into your remote workspace with socially themed slack channels, custom emojis and connecting with colleagues. Organize celebrations for birthdays and company milestones even if you can’t enjoy a cake or decorations under the same roof. Share pictures of your pets or recipes that you made to cheer up your teammates and keep that personal connection going.

Remote team video chat

Remote Team Success

Even before the COVID-19 crisis, remote work has been increasing in recent years. Especially now, virtual platforms are here to support the trend. There are tons more tools for remote teams including mind mapping, time tracking, brainstorming, voice conferencing and more. Whatever you need to do together, chances are there’s an online tool available to approximate it virtually.

Here at Neff, we’re doing everything we can to maintain the collaboration that is crucial to our culture. And it doesn’t hurt to be familiar with digital tools that are becoming more common in the modern workplace. Even though your team is separated, staying connected will help you to stay productive and more sane.

As we like to say, teamwork makes the (remote) dream work!

Social isolation often means putting our normal routines on pause. Many of us are no longer able to do things like go to the gym or walk to work, but it’s still important to stay active. Like many other companies, our team at Neff has transitioned to working from home. We’ve had to adapt our personal habits to make sure we’re still moving and staying healthy. Below are some of our top suggestions for staying active while working remotely.

If You Can, Enjoy the Outdoors

Getting outside is a great way to stay active. If you have access to a large enough space to maintain social distance, incorporate daily walks into your routine. However, many of us don’t have access to this type of outdoor space. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to stay active indoors while working from home.

Stay active while working remotely by enjoying the cherry blossoms outdoors.
Outdoor activity with social distance has many benefits.

The Benefits of Staying Active

Physical fitness has many benefits. It can improve energy levels, reduce stress and anxiety, as well as strengthens your immune system. The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderately intense physical activity per week. 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity will also work. That’s just one movie length’s worth of vigorous exercise per week! While we’re homebound, here are some tips for staying active while working remotely.

Staying Active While Working from Home

4 Tips for Staying Active While Working Remotely

  1. Stand Up

    The CDC says that sitting too much has negative health effects. Try to stand every 30 minutes or so and take small breaks throughout the day. Try setting a timer or getting up during phone calls to get out of your chair.

  2. Exercise Indoors

    There are many accessible exercises that can be done right from your home. Consider doing a couple sets of push-up, squats, or planks between meetings or before lunch. You can also look up videos on YouTube to help guide you through a routine.

  3. Stream Your Workout

    Many trainers and instructors are promoting their routines on video streaming platforms. This can be a great way to stay motivated and vary your routine. If you normally go to exercise classes, see what the studio is offering online. This is also a great way to support these instructors right now!

  4. Monitor Your Activity Level

    It’s important to make sure you’re getting enough activity. There are a variety of products and apps to help you stay fit while working from home. These can help remind you to stay on track. Just look up exercise apps on the App Store or Google Play to find a good fit for you.

It’s tough to stay active while working remotely when stay at home orders are in place. Everything from classes at yoga studios to major sporting events have been canceled or postponed. However, it’s important to stay healthy and keep moving. You got this!

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have rippled through businesses across the country. First of all, unemployment is at an all-time high. Small businesses are cutting staff. Hospitals and healthcare workers are overwhelmed. Despite the crisis that smaller companies are facing, they are still finding creative ways to give back. Here in the city of brotherly love, everyone is doing what they can. There are numerous local companies helping out in different ways. Below are some examples of how local businesses are helping our community in Philadelphia.

HARP (Hospitality Assistance Response of Pennsylvania)

pa relief, pa hospitality relief, hospitality fundraising, hospitality assistance, harp

With the closure of food service establishments, hospitality employees are some of the hardest hit by this crisis. The Hospitality Assistance Response of Pennsylvania (HARP) is here to help. HARP is a brand new organization dedicated to helping our city’s hospitality workers. The organization provides immediate emergency funding in the form of grants funded by private, community and individual donations. Head to their website to make a donation today.

Geno’s Steaks

delicious Philadelphia cheesesteak from a local business, genos steaks, genos cheesesteaks
Geno’s Steaks has donated meals to health care workers.

The iconic Geno’s Steaks is supporting our city’s health care workers Philly style – with cheesesteaks of course. Last week, Geno’s donated dinner to the team at Penn Medicine. These workers are on the front lines fighting this crisis. Furthermore, owner Geno Vento is hoping to reach out to more hospitals and testing sites in the region each week to help in any way he can.

Tuna Bar

tuna bar, sushi, philadelphia sushi restaurant, tuna bar restaurant

Old City’s Tuna Bar is another example of how local businesses are helping our community. They’ve had to close their doors for the time being, but the company is still trying to support their employees. From now until April 15, all proceeds from the gift cards sold on their website will go directly to the Tuna Bar team.


boyds philadelphia, boyds, luxury clothing, philadelphia clothing

The family-owned clothing retailer Boyds partnered with other local businesses to support Jefferson Hospital. Together with Di Bruno Bros and Govberg Jewelers, they raised $100,000 for the Jefferson COVID-19 Better Together Fund. This fund will provide critical resources to Jefferson University Hospital Employees and students. Boyds has committed to donating 10% of all online orders and gift cards to the Better Together Fund, and Jefferson has pledged to match 100% of these contributions.

Spread Bagelry

spread bagelry, bagel shop, philadelphia bagel shop

The local wood-oven specialist Spread Bagelry is helping to spread the love with breakfast. Last week, they delivered bagels to the hard working health professionals at local hospitals throughout the area. These included Jefferson Hospital, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, CHOP, and Bryn Mawr Hospital.

Two Robbers

Case of Craft Hard Seltzer, two robbers seltzer,
Hard Seltzer donations supporting local bars and restaurants

The Philadelphia-brewed craft hard seltzer company Two Robbers is donating $1 of every case sold. You can buy these from grocery stores, beer stores or delivery apps. Donations are going to support local bars, restaurants, and employees who are struggling right now.

Local Businesses are Here to Help

Although a crisis like this can bring out the worst, it can bring out the best too. It’s pretty incredible that so many local businesses are reaching out to help in different ways. And these are just a few examples. There are countless other small and mid-size businesses pitching in. It’s amazing to see how local businesses are helping our community. We’re grateful to our city for sticking together in this tough time.

For many during the COVID-19 outbreak, the new normal will be remote work. Working from home, sounds great, right? Waking up later, not having to worry about that annoying morning commute, eating whatever you want at your desk, like that leftover salmon you made last night? But when it’s time to sit down and get things done, it may be harder than you thought. Here are some things to consider when you transition to remote work.

Getting Acclimated

First, create a positive work environment. We all know remote work can be difficult due to distractions (food, Netflix, dogs, etc.). Construct an environment that makes you feel motivated. Having the right tools and equipment is essential in being able to transition to remote work.

Additionally, create a routine. Start your day as you typically would. Set an alarm, eat a good breakfast, and do your morning workout. Get dressed and yes, that means no pajamas. Take time for a lunch break outside your work space to set boundaries between work and leisure. Make sure you eat the same as you would if you were at the office. Eating healthy can help you be more energized, and too much take-out can make you feel sluggish and less productive.

Your home office should be comfortable and allow you to be productive.

The Benefits of Working from Home

Freedom of setting your own work environment. You have total control over how your work environment can be at home and really make it your own. You won’t have to worry about loud co-workers distracting you. Also, you can listen to your music as loud as you want!

You have more time. Since you’re cutting your commute out of your day, you have more time to yourself. Now you can check off all those little tasks that you never had time for.

No more commute expenses. Remote work means saying goodbye to paying for gas, tolls and parking. Instead, put the time you spent commuting to cooking breakfast, checking emails, or walking your dog.

Since there are fewer interruptions at home (if you don’t have kids), you won’t have someone coming up to you asking questions every half hour.

More time with your family. Even if you aren’t able to hang out with your loved ones during working hours, you still have the opportunity to spend quality together during the hours you would have been commuting or to enjoy lunch together.

Make sure you have a balance between work and leisure. Spending time with your family is important.

Potential Obstacles to Consider

There is no physical face-to-face interaction with clients or co-workers. You won’t have in-person meetings to really build a connection with a potential or current client. Maintaining that out-of-office connection with your co-workers is important too when working from home. Planning outings like happy hours, bowling, etc. can really help keep the collaboration going.

There is no separation between work and leisure. Having strict time frames built into your schedule when working from home is important. Make sure you have a good balance of work time and relaxation time.

You have to make an effort to get a change of scenery. Taking a walk during lunch or running to the store during the day can eliminate the feeling of the same thing every day. Also, making sure you get enough exercise is crucial to being the most energized.

You can feel out of the loop. Sometimes your team might not send you every email or invite you to every video call. Therefore, being proactive in following up with your co-workers and making sure you know what’s going on will help feeling like you’re not missing important information.

Walking your dog is a good way to get away from your desk and get some fresh air.

To Recap our Tips for Working from Home:

  1. Create a designated work area

    Make a spot in your home specifically for getting work done.

  2. Spruce up your environment

    Add plants, candles and office supplies that make your space feel welcoming and more like a real office.

  3. Put those jeans back on

    Even though you may not leave the house, get ready in the morning like you normally would to stay in work mode.

  4. Stick to a schedule

    A strict schedule will make it easier to complete tasks on time and at a high level.