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Your brand is more than just a logo or a tagline; it is the embodiment of your company’s identity, values, and voice. It’s about creating a connection with your target audience and communicating your message with clarity and consistency. Here’s how some of the best marketing agencies in Philadelphia approach branding and why it is essential for your business.

Understanding the Essence of Branding

Branding is the process of defining and expressing your company’s identity in a way that resonates with your audience. It’s about telling your story, conveying your values, and distinguishing your business from competitors. A strong brand fosters trust, loyalty, and emotional connections with customers, which are crucial for long-term success.

Comprehensive Branding Solutions

We provide a wide range of branding services designed to meet your specific needs. Our approach is rooted in thorough research and analysis to ensure that we understand your target audience and how to effectively communicate your message. Here are some of the key services we offer:

Project Research

Before we dive into creating your brand, we conduct extensive research to understand your market, competitors, and target audience. This foundational step ensures that our strategies are informed and effective.

Logo Development

Your logo is the visual cornerstone of your brand. Our team of skilled designers works to create logos that are not only visually appealing but also reflective of your brand’s identity and values.

Corporate Identity

We help define your corporate identity, encompassing everything from your logo to your color scheme, typography, and overall visual style. This cohesive identity ensures that all your brand materials are consistent and recognizable.


Words matter. Our copywriters craft compelling messaging that communicates your brand’s story, values, and promises. Whether it’s for your website, brochures, or social media, we ensure your message is clear and engaging.


We conduct interviews with key stakeholders to gain deeper insights into your brand’s vision, goals, and unique selling points. This information helps us develop strategies that are aligned with your business objectives.

Brand Guidelines

Consistency is key in branding. We create comprehensive guidelines that outline how your brand should be represented across all platforms and materials. These guidelines ensure that your brand remains cohesive and recognizable.


Whether you need menus for your restaurant or brochures for your business, we design and produce materials that align with your brand identity and effectively communicate your offerings.

Wayfinding and Environmental Graphics

We create wayfinding systems and environmental graphics that enhance the physical spaces of your business. These elements not only improve navigation but also reinforce your brand’s presence and identity.

Integrated Capabilities for Maximum Impact

Our integrated approach ensures that all aspects of your branding work together seamlessly. From videography services and PR efforts to engaging social media posts, we leverage multiple channels to increase brand awareness and reach your target audience. This holistic strategy ensures that your message is consistent and impactful across all platforms.

best marketing agencies in Philadelphia

The Benefits of Strong Branding

Investing in strong branding offers numerous benefits for your business:

Increased Recognition

A well-defined brand is easily recognizable, helping you stand out in a crowded market.

Customer Loyalty

Strong branding fosters trust and emotional connections with customers, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.

Competitive Advantage

A unique brand identity sets you apart from competitors and positions you as a leader in your industry.

Enhanced Perceived Value

A professional and consistent brand image enhances the perceived value of your products or services, allowing you to command higher prices.

Effective Communication

Clear and compelling messaging ensures that your audience understands your value proposition and is more likely to engage with your brand.

Partner with Us for Exceptional Branding

Our team of experts works closely with you to develop custom strategies that deliver results. Whether you are launching a new brand or looking to refresh your existing one, we have the expertise and resources to elevate your brand to new heights.

Get in touch with us today to discover how our comprehensive branding solutions can help your business thrive.

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses need to connect with their audience through a variety of channels, including social media, email campaigns, websites, and traditional advertising. With so many points of contact, ensuring brand consistency is crucial. A cohesive brand presence across multiple platforms not only fosters trust but also enhances brand recognition and delivers a seamless customer experience. By leveraging the expertise of a marketing agency, businesses can ensure brand consistency and benefit from strategic guidance to maintain a unified brand message across all marketing platforms.

The Importance of Brand Consistency

Brand consistency refers to delivering a consistent brand message, tone, and visual identity across all communication channels. This consistency creates a sense of reliability and helps customers easily recognize and connect with a brand. Here’s why brand consistency is crucial for successful marketing:

Establishing Brand Recognition

A consistent brand identity helps customers quickly identify your business, whether they encounter it on social media, a website, or a print advertisement. Consistent use of colors, logos, and design elements strengthens brand recognition, making it easier for customers to remember and recall your brand when they need your products or services.

Building Trust and Credibility

A cohesive brand creates a sense of stability and reliability. When customers receive a consistent message from your brand across different channels, they are more likely to trust your business. Consistency in communication and presentation reduces confusion and uncertainty, reinforcing your brand’s credibility.

Enhancing Customer Experience

Brand consistency also contributes to a seamless customer experience. When your brand message and identity are consistent, customers know what to expect, whether they’re interacting with your website, social media, or customer support. A cohesive brand experience leads to higher customer satisfaction and encourages repeat business.

Strategies for Maintaining Brand Consistency

Maintaining brand stability across multiple channels requires a deliberate approach and careful planning. Here are some effective strategies to ensure a unified brand message:

Develop a Comprehensive Brand Style Guide

A brand style guide is a foundational document that outlines your brand’s visual and verbal identity. It should include details about your logo, color palette, typography, tone of voice, and other brand elements. A comprehensive style guide ensures that everyone in your organization adheres to the same guidelines when creating marketing materials or communicating with customers.

Establish Clear Brand Messaging

Define your brand’s core message and values. This messaging should be clear, concise, and reflect your brand’s personality. Use consistent language and tone across all communication channels to ensure that your brand message resonates with your target audience.

Implement Cross-Channel Coordination

Brand consistency requires coordination across different marketing channels. Ensure that your marketing team is aligned on brand guidelines and communication strategies. Regularly review and update marketing materials to ensure consistency across all platforms.

Use Unified Visual Elements

Consistent visual elements are essential for brand recognition. Ensure that your logo, colors, and design elements are used consistently across all marketing materials. This includes social media graphics, website design, email templates, and print materials. Consistency in visuals creates a cohesive brand experience.

Monitor and Review Brand Presence

Regularly monitor your brand’s presence across various channels to ensure consistency. Conduct brand audits to identify discrepancies or inconsistencies in messaging or visual elements. Address any issues promptly to maintain a cohesive brand image.

Train and Educate Your Team

Ensure that all team members understand the importance of brand consistency and are familiar with your brand style guide. Provide training on brand guidelines and communication strategies to maintain a unified approach to marketing. Encourage feedback and open communication to address any inconsistencies.


Brand consistency is a fundamental aspect of successful marketing. It establishes brand recognition, builds trust, and enhances the customer experience. By implementing strategies such as developing a comprehensive brand style guide, establishing clear brand messaging, and coordinating cross-channel efforts, businesses can maintain a cohesive brand across multiple platforms. A consistent brand presence creates a strong identity that resonates with customers and helps businesses achieve their marketing goals. As you navigate the complexities of modern marketing, remember that brand consistency is key to building a lasting and recognizable brand.

Effective media buying strategies are essential for brands looking to connect with their target audience and drive meaningful results. As a leading digital marketing agency in Philadelphia, we provide a comprehensive range of services tailored to elevate your brand and maximize your return on investment. From strategic ad placement to in-depth market research, our integrated approach ensures that your message reaches the right people, at the right time, and in the right place.

Understanding Media Buying Strategies

Our media buying strategies are rooted in a deep understanding of your objectives, target market, and budget. We believe that successful advertising plans should be based on data-driven insights, which is why our media planning agency conducts extensive research into your media footprint, the industry landscape, and the media habits of your target audience. By leveraging this data, we can determine the best media channels and publishing partners to maximize the impact of your campaigns.

Strategic Ad Placement

Strategic ad placement is at the core of our media buying tactics. We carefully select the most relevant and high-impact placements to ensure that your message resonates with your target audience. Whether it’s through social media advertising, display ads, or native content, we prioritize placements that offer the greatest potential for engagement and conversion.

Market and Consumer Research

In addition to strategic ad placement, our media buying strategies are informed by in-depth market and consumer research. We delve deep into market trends, competitor analysis, and consumer behavior to identify opportunities and optimize your campaigns for success. By understanding the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience, we can tailor your messaging and creative assets to drive maximum impact.

Integrated Media Plan

At the core, our business believes in the power of integration. That’s why our media buying strategies are part of a larger, integrated marketing plan designed to tell your brand’s story cohesively across all channels. Whether it’s through digital advertising, traditional media, content marketing, or experiential activations, we create a seamless brand experience that resonates with your audience and drives results.

Campaign Optimization

Continuous optimization is key to the success of any media buying campaign. Our team closely monitors the performance of your campaigns in real-time, analyzing key metrics and making data-driven adjustments to optimize performance. Whether it’s tweaking ad creative, adjusting targeting parameters, or reallocating budget, we are committed to maximizing the ROI of your media investments.

Competitive Reports

Staying ahead of the curve in any industry is crucial. That’s why we provide comprehensive competitive reports that offer valuable insights into your industry landscape, competitor strategies, and emerging trends. By keeping a pulse on the competition, we can identify opportunities and refine your media buying strategies to maintain a competitive edge.

Why Choose Us

As one of the top marketing agencies in Philadelphia, our company is committed to delivering impactful results for our clients. Our integrated approach, combined with our extensive experience and industry expertise, sets us apart from other agencies. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, we offer flexible solutions tailored to your unique needs and objectives.


Effective media buying strategies are essential for brands looking to connect with their target audience and drive meaningful results. We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to maximize the impact of your campaigns and elevate your brand to new heights. From strategic ad placement to in-depth market research, our integrated approach ensures that your message resonates with your audience and delivers tangible results. Partner with Neff and let us help you tell your brand’s story in a way that captivates and inspires.

The first question we ask on our website’s homepage is, “How can we help you tell your story?” We ask this not only because of our genuine interest in our client’s background, but because we also understand how important it is for consumers to understand what a brand represents. The online landscape is crowded, and to stand out from the masses, businesses need to be able to connect with their customers on a deeper level. This deeper connection can be accomplished through authenticity.

Brands that try to grow with cheesy, overused slogans or recycled messaging that competitors have used in their space for generations are destined to fail. Instead, the modern consumer looks to do business with companies that stand for something and aren’t afraid to share their values. Today, we will examine what it takes for an authentic brand to attract and breed loyalty from a consumer base.

A brand that practices authenticity maintains a consistent voice across all marketing channels. The voice always reflects the genuine beliefs or mission statement of the brand. Typically, when a brand can pinpoint what they stand for, it can quickly pinpoint who its target market is and should be. This allows a company to disregard marketing tactics that cast a wide net and wait to see what comes back its way. Conversely, authentic brands know that their mission aligns with a particular group of people who will not only utilize their product or service, but also want to actively follow them across different channels.

An authentic brand is very similar to an authentic person. They possess essential traits like welcomeness, honesty, and consideration for the thoughts and opinions of others. In addition, authentic brands will establish trust with their audience by delivering what they promise via their marketing materials. Establishing trust with your audience creates loyal followers and customers who will return to your content or products over and over. As a result, you’ll grow a community around your brand that makes it stand out from the crowd.

The difficulty of establishing trust in the digital age is that it can easily be tarnished in an instant. With online review platforms more accessible than ever, a brand is always just a few negative reviews away from losing the trust they worked so hard to establish. This is why marketing materials must never overpromise. When a company does fail to deliver on its word, the best course of action is to take ownership of the mistake and remedy the issue as quickly and efficiently as possible. Again, reverting to authenticity and showing unhappy customers that the business cares about them can help make the best of an otherwise unfortunate situation.

Neff on Keeping a Brand Voice Authentic

Whenever an opportunity arises to personalize messaging, brands should take advantage. The most successful authentic brands will utilize conversational marketing tactics. Showing an understanding of the fact that people are busy, it can simply be more effective to get directly to the point rather than hit people over the head with technical jargon and supporting arguments. The key is to quickly establish who or what the brand represents, then support that in every piece of marketing material and every product or service provided.

It is especially great for brands to share information regarding any causes or initiatives they support openly. Local businesses can do themselves a huge service by establishing a presence in their community, as having pictures supporting a brand show up to support a cause is much more powerful than a press release that states a monetary figure donated.

Finally, while we have established that keeping a brand’s voice consistent across platforms is vital, it is important for those in need of a marketing update to consider specific platforms first. For starters, the copy on a website should reflect who a brand is and what they care about. Again, this is why we start by asking about your story, we care! And we show it with our actions for every client we partner with. The next place is across all relevant social channels. Social media platforms provide the perfect place to give consumers more background on a company’s personality and values. Finally, the team members themselves are the last piece of the puzzle. Many stagnant companies have sales reps that contradict what their website or social profiles represent. Neff partners with clients to ensure that all facets of a business are rowing the boat in the same direction. Contact our team today to learn more about the importance of authenticity in marketing.

Every individual has a brand image cultivated through interests, style, language, friends, and more. Some people actively work to maintain a specific image. Others have a brand based on how they naturally act. Either way, we all add to and modify our own brand with every decision we make. The same logic can easily be applied to businesses. The only difference is that successful brands don’t often have the luxury of not actively considering every facet that goes into their company’s persona.

One of the best parts of working with branding agencies like Neff is the excitement of launching a brand from scratch. The challenge of carving out a space in the marketplace can be daunting, but it can be incredibly rewarding when done correctly. This is why we take the time to get to know the people behind a brand to ensure that their vision can turn into a reality.

Many branding agencies understand that there is a need for consistency throughout a branding campaign, but this doesn’t mean they all successfully accomplish this feat. Consistency is the essential element in establishing credibility in a brand. To start the process, groundwork must be laid by establishing what focal product or services are being offered and who makes up the target audience for that product or service. When a target audience is identified, it is time to dive deeply into their behaviors, their problems, and how a new product or service will make their lives better. 

Identifying a target audience will also help to establish who the competitors are for a new brand’s product or service. Learning what already works well for a competitor and what does not is a great way to identify what elements should be taken and refined, as well as what elements should be downplayed. No one wants to be a copycat of their competitors, but understanding who they are and how they market themselves can significantly help a business identify its own focus and personality. Companies struggling with establishing their voice should start by testing different business slogans. When a slogan copy works, it will help shape the remainder of the branding puzzle.

As a premier logo design company in the United States, our experts understand the importance of color. Each color can represent different things when people identify them. Once a brand color is selected, a brand font should also be created. As a brand grows and marketing pieces are put in place, the consistency in color and font will help people to recognize and retain information on what that brand represents.

Once the details are sorted and the research phase is complete, our team works to create a buzz about the brand. Launching a business successfully is much easier when there’s anticipation built throughout the target audience. Our experts work to create this buzz through many different channels. For some businesses, the best route is to amplify efforts via public relations to reach as many would-be customers as possible. For others, it’s best to create a buzz on social media platforms that will continue to intensify until launch day. Others can rely on traditional billboards or print advertising. The experts at Neff identify what method will be the most effective, and then put it to work for our clients. More brands choose Neff over other marketing agencies due to our remarkable track record of producing exceptional results through individualized, flexible strategies and solutions.

If you are interested in launching a brand or learning more about the expert-level services provided by Neff, give our team a call today!

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text]When June hits, everything turns rainbow. Ad agencies in Philadelphia and across the country help companies re-brand for pride month. Colorful logos replace profile pictures and advertising campaigns hit social media. However, a closer look at this branded holiday shows that many companies are disingenuous in their pride marketing. Your branding represents who you are, and you want it to actually mean something. Here are some ways you can embody real allyship all year long.

1. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Behind pride branding should always be real efforts for change. Make a commitment to do something concrete throughout the year, whether it be donating to an organization championing LBGTQ+ rights or using your social media platforms to speak out against harmful legislation.

2. Create an Inclusive Workplace

Good design should be inclusive. That includes making sure your agency hires diverse employees so there is representation in creation and decision-making. Ask for feedback to ensure your office is a place where everyone feels safe.

3. Look at Your Language

Be thoughtful in your copywriting. When possible, try to avoid using gendered language. Consider if your campaigns will speak to everyone. Taking the time to write inclusive copy is not just the right thing to do; it will also help your bottom line and grow your audience.

4. Partner with LGBTQ+ Influencers

Include more LGBTQ+ voices in your network of influencers. As with copy choices, this will only help to grow your audience. Diversify your social media presence and partnerships. Make sure the stories you’re telling are honest and promote allyship in an authentic way.

5. Normalize all Experiences

Representation should be present from start to finish. Ideally, you’ll have a diverse group of people making decisions as well as campaigns that speak to all kinds of people. Think beyond traditional marketing imagery. Show people of marginalized gender identities that they fit into the customer experience too.


This year has seen an unprecedented amount of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, making it more important than ever to support equality. Philadelphia ad agencies have a responsibility to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. As June comes to a close, consider how you can use your platform in a socially responsible way, both in your client work as well as your own company. Your audience will know the difference.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Choosing the right fonts is key to a great logo. Logo branding is essential to your business, and type is a key aspect of this. In a well-crafted brand, you may not even notice the logo typography at all. But the type you use should make an impression and represent who you are.

The Basics

There are many aspects to logo branding and typography, but the two major categories of fonts are serif and sans serif. Serifs are the small lines that look like little feet on the ends of the letters. Older, more traditional type styles have serifs. Sans serif fonts do not have these decorative details. They are more contemporary and clean looking.

Choosing the Right Logo Font

Your brand will determine the best logo typography for you. If you want your logo to have a more traditional look, serif will be the best choice. This style comes from classical typography and connotes elegance and tradition. For example, the secondary logo for Peter Zimmerman Architects is in an uppercase serif. This makes sense for their brand because the firm has a more traditional style rooted in classical elements.

The secondary logo for Peter Zimmerman Architects demonstrates the use of a serif font.

If your brand is more contemporary, a sans serif font will be a better fit. Sans serif type is more minimalist and simple. This style will feel younger and easier to read. The logo for Alarm Connections demonstrates sans serif type in action. This works for the brand because the company is newer and going for a younger feel.

The logo for Alarm Connections demonstrates the use of sans serif fonts.

Font Pairing

During the logo design stage of logo branding, it is common to see different kind of fonts paired together. You may want to use a serif font for the main wordmark and a sans serif font for the tagline, because the tagline copy is smaller and sans serif fonts are more legible. Using more detailed serif style fonts for all the copy in your logo will likely make it less readable. Pairing multiple fonts together is a standard professional approach in logo design. The logo for Harth Builders demonstrates this pairing.

The logo for Harth Builders demonstrates the pairing of serif and sans serif fonts.


In summary, the basics of logo branding and typography involve first selecting serif or sans serif fonts. Consider the vibe of your brand and which of these styles would be the best fit. You may also want to combine type styles if your logo includes a smaller tagline. Then you can tackle the rest of the details that will make your logo stand out such as color, spacing, and capitalization. You may not always notice fonts, but that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. Logo typography will influence a viewer’s impression of who you are at just a glance.

However, when in doubt, it’s always best to turn to the professionals. For over 30 years, the Neff team has helped businesses find their brand’s perfect logo with comprehensive logo and branding services. Whether your business is rebranding or just hoping to revitalize its logo, you can rely on our team of logo branding experts to develop a logo that will accurately reflect your brand.

When thinking about a brand you like, or you identify with you typically think of the logo they have to represent their company. A logo is a part of a brands identity and helps you easily identify a brand just by looking at their logo. Logos are the foundation for your company and its what fosters brand loyalty. Logos are supposed to

Logo Branding can really make or break your brand. You only have one chance to create a lasting impression with someone and logo branding really creates that connection with your consumer. Logos branding typically helps your brand be easily recognized and distinguished from the rest of the bunch. Even if your logo does not have your company name in it people should still be able to recognize your brand and know it’s you. A good example of this is Nike. With a simple swoosh logo Nike has been able to establish a brand with a loyal audience who knows them by their iconic logo. You want to ensure your company logo has the same long-lasting impression as one like Nike.

An overall branding plan really helps build customer loyalty and builds trust in your business. Many businesses can overlook their logo branding and don’t see the importance, but logos are essential. When creating a business, you are creating a whole brand. You want consumers to be able to identity you from the rest and have a unique logo. About 93% of purchasing decisions are made based on visual perceptions which means your branding is important. Text, color, and design are key elements of your logo branding that will help distinguish you and create brand awareness. If customers are able to connect with your logo, they are unlikely to forget about your brand. If customers remember your brand, they are more likely to want to continue supporting your business and telling others about it as well.            

Overall, logo branding is really important for you and your business and should not be taken lightly. Take your time in distinguishing yourself and creating something that is unique to your business. Even if your business is similar to someone else’s you want the logo branding to be able to easily distinguish you from the rest. Someone should look at your logo and know that it belongs to your business. Logo branding is a vital part of creating a successful business.

A brand refresh involves understanding the problems and strengths of the existing brand and analyzing how to fix them. Many businesses may not need to start from the ground up, with a complete rebrand. A brand refresh updates your system, rather than totally rebuilding it. The process leverages the existing successful elements and tweaks pieces that aren’t working.

Not sure if your brand needs a refresh? We encourage prospective clients to engage in a brand analysis to find out. As a creative marketing agency, the brand analysis is just one of the services that we offer at Neff. We use the analysis to research the current brand before beginning a refresh to decide if it is necessary. The analysis considers how the brand will function throughout an integrated marketing strategy. It helps us determine how you can benefit from a refresh.

What is a brand analysis?

In a brand analysis, we review everything from messaging, to social media, to logos and marketing materials. To begin, we seek to understand the brand’s growth over time. To do this, we collect research on how the brand is perceived.

The brand analysis process can be quite extensive to uncover actionable insights. Remember, an effective design process always begins with research. Some examples of questions we seek to answer may include:

Branding meetings seek to outline strategy before a refresh begins.

Why is foundational messaging crucial to your brand refresh?

Your brand messaging begins with a purpose, values, and mission. Before designing, we make sure these are clearly defined and speak effectively to your target audience. Brand strategy is a critical step to justify any decisions made later in the refresh process.

What’s in an identity system?

Looking at the big picture, your identity system is a visual representation of who you are. Your messaging works hand in hand with these visuals to represent your brand. You need a logo that stands out and stands for you. Your logo also has to be responsive, with versions for different applications that will be able to read at small and large sizes.

A responsive logo system for our client Make the World Better provides options for a flexible identity.
Our brand identity for Make the World Better, a non-profit spearheaded by the former Eagles player Conor Barwin, illustrates the different versions of the logo from the full primary mark all the way down to just the icon.

Why is color important?

Your color palette is one of the key ways to convey emotion. What is the main color that you’re using, and how does it make a viewer feel? Where else is that color used? How unique is it? The brand analysis will evaluate whether this is effective and outline a course for improvement during the refresh.

How do we use typography?

Typography is another way to identify your brand. We might suggest a sans-serif typeface for a more modern look, a serif typeface for a more traditional look, or a combination of the two. During the brand analysis, we look at your typography choices and how information is organized. During the refresh process, we may update your type systems and outline the dos and don’ts for your brand.

Color and typography standards are outlined in a brand guidelines document.
A page from the brand guidelines we designed for McCann to outline how their color palette works together to maintain accessibility across devices.

What makes a successful corporate identity?

Your corporate identity is the visual system that defines your brand. First, we typically begin with a business card, letterhead, and envelope to establish a system, before moving on to other materials. All of this collateral should work together as a cohesive group. For instance, a unified look and feel will contribute to a memorable and effective brand. Our brand analysis will look at your current corporate identity to see what is working and what is missing. As a result, we can fill in the gaps during a refresh.

A corporate identity suite consists of your brand's marketing applications.
You can see an example of Corporate Identity in practice in our recent branding for McCann. The same visual system is applied to the business card, letterhead, and envelope. The look of each is varied, using different versions of the logo and color palette, while still tying into the main brand.

Why do we include guidelines in your brand refresh?

Lastly, we will communicate standards for how your brand elements should be used moving forward. Whether you have an in-house marketing department, or use outside vendors, your brand guidelines are crucial to maintain organization and consistency. These guidelines are arguably the most important part of the process. Without structured implementation, you will not see the maximum value from the brand refresh.


As one of the top three advertising agencies in Philadelphia, Neff leverages integrated marketing strategies to promote your brand. But to get the most value for your advertising investment, it is important to have a strong brand identity. This is where a brand refresh can help! In conclusion, a brand refresh can help you differentiate from your competition and effectively use your marketing budget.

What’s brand messaging? It’s all about finding the right way to communicate with your audience. Your messaging is an ambassador of your brand. Help customers understand what makes you unique. Most people agree that it’s a good idea for brands to tell their stories, but less people think they do so effectively. To give you a window into our process, here are some of the things we break down in a brand analysis.

How to Craft Foundational Brand Messaging

How do you communicate your brand as part of an integrated marketing approach? Many brands tell customers who they are, what they do, how they do it — in that order. We recommend a different approach to messaging. Lead with your purpose: why you exist. Follow up with your values, then your mission. This is the most compelling and relatable sequence to communicate information.

What type of story should your brand tell? Make sure to connect with your target audience on an emotional level to establish a connection, then tell them what you offer.

In most industries, customers are compelled to make a purchase based on how you think. This can have more influence than the quality of the product or the price point it’s offered at. Teach customers to think like you, and they will become advocates of your brand. This is the power of brand messaging.

Define Your Purpose, Values, and Mission

1. Purpose

A brand purpose declares why you exist. Here’s a hint: it’s not to create profit. Profit is always a result, not a driver. Your purpose is a belief. It’s a big idea that can be clearly communicated. For example, people deserve to be more physically fit, or to feel comfortable in their home. A brand purpose has the power to inspire people through messaging.

2. Values

People have values, and brands should have them too. Values, or principles, describe how you act and interact. This not only applies to customer interaction, but to our global society. Your audience can have a reasonable expectation of how your brand will handle any situation based on your values. This helps to humanize the brand. Some examples of values include transparency, agility, or innovation. Brand values should be reflected in your messaging.

3. Mission

It describes what you do. Mission statements present an ambitious, but achievable position that acknowledges your industry and the services you provide. For example, a mission statement could include having the most user-friendly technology, or being the most respected car company in the USA. Mission statements have the power to inspire confidence in your ability to perform specific tasks.

What’s the Next Step Towards Appealing Brand Messaging?

How will you know if your brand messaging is effective? Conduct a thorough brand analysis, including the entire integrated strategy. Using both internal and external sources, collect a set of data to inform your perspective. This could include customer focus groups, sales records, employee surveys, and more. The scope of your investigation should correspond to the size of your company and brand goals. This involves considering not only what you say and how you say it, but how your brand looks as well.

We recommend contacting an expert on strategy and brand messaging. While this work can be done in-house, we see greater benefits by connecting with a branding agency outside your organization. It is important to get a fresh opinion. This is a time when first-impressions can actually hold a lot of weight! As one of the top three advertising agencies in Philadelphia, Neff is prepared to provide expert advice on branding and strategy.